Taylor Swift Ticket Trouble Could Drive Political Engagement

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There could be a silver lining in the recent Taylor Swift/Ticketmaster debacle. Many Swifties, now grownups in their 30s, could be driven to engage politically, invoking change. Angered fans could not get tickets to Taylor’s “Eras Tour” due to Ticketmasters’ system being overwhelmed and people buying the tickets for resale. Ticketmaster then called off the general sale of tour tickets, fueling lawmakers to open an investigation of Ticketmaster and the monopoly it holds. Jean Sinzdak, associate director for the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University, says, “People are really sharing their feelings about that and building a movement about that online, which I really think is quite fascinating. It’s certainly an opportunity to engage people politically.” With Taylor’s fanbase being so large, their determination for change could force the government’s hand to act on Ticketmaster and enact a policy change, but it will depend on how committed they are to revenge. Do you think the Swifties can force the government to change how Ticketmaster works? 

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