Ed Sheeran Admits He Got Rid of His Phone in 2015- Here's Why

Photo: Winslow Townson / Getty Images Sport / Getty Images

Ed Sheeran revealed on a podcast that he got rid of his phone in 2015 to prioritize real-life interactions and combat overwhelming and sad feelings. He now uses an iPad for communication, checking emails once a week. "I moved everything onto email, which I reply to once a week. I have an hour of my time on a Thursday or a Friday, [I] sit down usually in the car. I blast all the emails, catch up, do all of the talking to whoever, and then that’s it,” said Sheeran. 

He continued, “I go for dinner with my wife, and she will go to the toilet at a restaurant, and she can sometimes take a while, and usually, 10 years ago, I would take out my phone [and] flip through Instagram, but when you’re just sitting doing nothing, that’s when I’ll think of a lyric or a melody. You’ll have an idea about where to go next with your career. Boredom is what makes someone think of an iPhone." Would you consider giving up your phone for a more personal interaction with the world?

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