Zoe Was The Best Momma! Now She Deserves A Home!

Meet our wonderful mama dog, Zoe! She was found as a pregnant stray and luckily the shelter reached out so she could have her puppies in a safe and quiet location. Zoe is an approximately 2-year-old hound mix. She is mostly house-trained and is very smart, responding well to correction by her foster mom. She is timid of men at first but loves them once they pet her. She gets along with other dogs with the proper introduction. She will be your favorite couch potato but will also go on long walks with you. Have kids, no problem! She loves kids of all ages and will crawl in your lap anytime she is allowed. This young lady has had a hard start to life, including raising 8 beautiful puppies, and deserves to be a part of some lucky family. If interested in adopting Zoe, visit us at reddogfarm.com and fill out an application.

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